The decision whether or not to vaccinate is a very serious issue and, obviously, not one to be taken lightly. Rabies immunity, and vaccination, definitely have a place, but we want our readers to have access to all of the information so they may, in consultation with their vet, make an informed decision that is appropriate for their pet. It is our hope that this information SAVES LIVES. We want to make sure that you have the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your pet's vaccinations.
Most Cavalier owners are familiar with SM, MVD, and the other health conditions which potentially impact our Cavaliers. If you are not, SM, or Syringomyelia, is a painful condition caused by a skull that is too small for the brain, resulting in a brain malformation. There is a wealth of information on the the internet regarding this condition and we urge all Cavalier owners to become familiar with it, as is a very strong reason why breeders should breed responsibly and pet owners should buy from breeders who follow the prescribed breeding practices and NOT purchase puppies from pet stores. A very good resources to read up on this hideous disease is
There is currently research underway to determine how long the immunity provided by the rabies vaccine lasts. Most states allow one to three years. The Rabies Challenge Fund is supporting research to prove that the immunity lasts longer and to help extend the time period mandated by states for re-vaccination to five and eventually, seven years. We invite you to read about it at The Rabies Challenge Fund website, linked above. The fight to prove that immunity lasts for more than three years is important because of the mounting evidence concerning the adverse reactions which can be caused by over-vaccination. Even the packaging on the vaccines indicates it is for healthy dogs. Most people who have a pet and have a large network of dog friends, have have heard of friends' pets who have become severely ill due to vaccinations. Including Friday, I personally know of THREE dogs who have suffered ill effects due to vaccinations. Please note that one of the concerns of the rabies vaccines is the mercury, so the general information regarding the rabies vaccine, and potential over-vaccination, is applicable to ALL vaccines, however rabies is the only one legally mandated in all states. You can read more regarding the effects of mercury at this site and will find much other information on the internet as well.
If you have a dog whose health is compromised due to SM or other health conditions, please get all of the information you can to make an informed decisions. Thirteen states allow exemptions for the rabies vaccination due to the health of the pet. Now, if you decide to have a conversation with your vet regarding not vaccinating your dog, even with a health exemption, you need to also seriously consider the possible ramifications of that decision. Depending upon your local or state laws, if a rabid animal is found on your property or near your property and you do NOT have proof of vaccination, the authorities could euthanize your pet.
All of us who take the time and spend the money to vaccinate our pets obviously want what's best for them. The landscape regarding this issue is a bit murky and it's difficult to absorb all of the information and know you are making the correct choice. All we can do is educate ourselves on as much of the information as possible and do what, in our gut, we feel is best for our Cavaliers.
Should you determine, after careful consideration, that your Cavalier should NOT be vaccinated, the first link in the cross-posted item below will provide information on whether your state allow a medical exemption and how to work with your vet to exempt your compromised pet from the legal vaccination requirements. We have acquired permission to cross-post this information to provide you with as much information as possible so you may make an informed decision.
Please also visit our message board for an ongoing discussion on this important issue.
Crossposted from the K9 Epilepsy list with permission. If your state doesn't have the exemption law, a sample letter is included to send to your State government requested that they enact one:
Good morning!
13 States currently have legal medical exemptions for rabies as law. ... tions.html
My Border Collie, Fever, unfortunately lives in one of the states that does not.
As many of you know, rabies vaccination does carry the risk of causing seizure
activity. Fever's regular veterinarian feels it would be a risk to her health to
receive any further vaccinations of any kind. I carry a letter from her with me
in my glovebox to that effect and will be having a titer done every few years
for rabies. I have written to my local and state legislature and to Governor
If you live in PA, please consider writing your own letter to your local
representative in the house and senate and to Governor Rendell. Here is a link
to a great site which allows you to find your local legislature. ... ession.cfm
You can email Governor Rendell or find his address on his website: ... ntact/2998
I have spoken with Dr. Dodds, who is wonderful, via email on this matter. The
Rabies Challenge Fund will be supporting the effort. I suggest that, if you do
not live in PA, you contact your own state and try to get a bill in the works
for your own exemption.
Here is the letter that I submitted for reference. Please forward to anyone you
feel my support this cause. It is the power of people's voices that have caused
these laws to be passed in the states who currently have exemptions in place.
Legislation is needed to provide an exemption from rabies vaccination for pets
with existing medical conditions.
My Border Collie, Fever, has idiopathic epilepsy along with other chronic,
serious and immune related health conditions. Her veterinarian, Dr. Barrie
Barr, DVM of Harmony Animal Health Care Clinic, feels strongly that further
rabies vaccinations would potentially pose serious risk to her health. I have a
letter written by Dr. Barr to that effect.
In conversation with a friend who lives in New Jersey who owns a dog related to
my own with the same medical condition, I learned that her dog’s veterinarian
fills out an exemption form annually. The form protects her dog’s life by
legally exempting him from rabies vaccination upon examination of a veterinarian
who has determined that it would be “medically contraindicated to vaccinate this
animal due to an infirmity, other physical condition, or regimen of therapy.”
[Attachment “B”]
The manufacturers as well as the USDA state the vaccines should be given to
healthy cats and dogs.
My dogs are a cherished and extremely valuable part of my life. Those of us in
Pennsylvania who own dogs consider them important members of our families. No
dog owner in PA should be forced by our state to risk their dog’s life if a
veterinarian has determined that a vaccination would jeopardize their health.
Thirteen other states have medical exemption clauses in their rabies laws, would
you please introduce legislation on my behalf that would put a medical exemption
clause into our state law?
Good morning!
13 States currently have legal medical exemptions for rabies as law. ... tions.html
My Border Collie, Fever, unfortunately lives in one of the states that does not.
As many of you know, rabies vaccination does carry the risk of causing seizure
activity. Fever's regular veterinarian feels it would be a risk to her health to
receive any further vaccinations of any kind. I carry a letter from her with me
in my glovebox to that effect and will be having a titer done every few years
for rabies. I have written to my local and state legislature and to Governor
If you live in PA, please consider writing your own letter to your local
representative in the house and senate and to Governor Rendell. Here is a link
to a great site which allows you to find your local legislature. ... ession.cfm
You can email Governor Rendell or find his address on his website: ... ntact/2998
I have spoken with Dr. Dodds, who is wonderful, via email on this matter. The
Rabies Challenge Fund will be supporting the effort. I suggest that, if you do
not live in PA, you contact your own state and try to get a bill in the works
for your own exemption.
Here is the letter that I submitted for reference. Please forward to anyone you
feel my support this cause. It is the power of people's voices that have caused
these laws to be passed in the states who currently have exemptions in place.
Legislation is needed to provide an exemption from rabies vaccination for pets
with existing medical conditions.
My Border Collie, Fever, has idiopathic epilepsy along with other chronic,
serious and immune related health conditions. Her veterinarian, Dr. Barrie
Barr, DVM of Harmony Animal Health Care Clinic, feels strongly that further
rabies vaccinations would potentially pose serious risk to her health. I have a
letter written by Dr. Barr to that effect.
In conversation with a friend who lives in New Jersey who owns a dog related to
my own with the same medical condition, I learned that her dog’s veterinarian
fills out an exemption form annually. The form protects her dog’s life by
legally exempting him from rabies vaccination upon examination of a veterinarian
who has determined that it would be “medically contraindicated to vaccinate this
animal due to an infirmity, other physical condition, or regimen of therapy.”
[Attachment “B”]
The manufacturers as well as the USDA state the vaccines should be given to
healthy cats and dogs.
My dogs are a cherished and extremely valuable part of my life. Those of us in
Pennsylvania who own dogs consider them important members of our families. No
dog owner in PA should be forced by our state to risk their dog’s life if a
veterinarian has determined that a vaccination would jeopardize their health.
Thirteen other states have medical exemption clauses in their rabies laws, would
you please introduce legislation on my behalf that would put a medical exemption
clause into our state law?
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